import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'dark_background')

def julia_set(h_range, w_range, max_iterations):
    ''' A function to determine the values of the Julia set. Takes
    an array size specified by h_range and w_range, in pixels, along
    with the number of maximum iterations to try.  Returns an array with 
    the number of the last bounded iteration at each array value.
    y, x = np.ogrid[-1.5: 1.5: h_range*1j, -1.5: 1.5: w_range*1j]
    z_array = x + y*1j
    a =-0.772691322542185+0.124281466072787*1j
    iterations_till_divergence = max_iterations + np.zeros(z_array.shape)

    for h in range(h_range):
        for w in range(w_range):
            z = z_array[h][w]
            for i in range(max_iterations):
                z = z**2 + a
                if z * np.conj(z) > 4:
                    iterations_till_divergence[h][w] = i

    return iterations_till_divergence

plt.imshow(julia_set(500, 500, 70), cmap='twilight_shifted')